Monday, November 13, 2006

Care Package for Juan

Sheila had a great idea to send Juan a care package. Please feel free to add some comments to this post, and we'll attach them to the care package. It would be really nice for Juan to see all of the best wishes from the Stu Crew. Grownzup said he'd like to contribute towards the package. If anyone else would like to contribute as well, feel free to send money or items. So far we have:
  • Cuban crackers
  • Guava paste
  • Homemade double-chocolate brownies
  • Buttermilk pancake mix (for Parisa)
  • Life savers
  • Jello
  • Family Guy Volume 4 on DVD (comes out tomorrow, and Sheila is going to pick it up)


Grownz said...

I would like to donate some money toward that care package if that's cool with you guys.

As for Juan, please get to him this message:

Johnny, we are truly sorry for what has happened to you. We are hurting inside from this ordeal, and we wish you the fastest recovery ever. You are a true brother to all of us, and we wish you the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Hi Juan,

I just wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts and I'm praying for your swift return to good health. It's been difficult to feel so helpless, but everything is in God's hands. I miss you and I hope you get well soon so we can see each other soon.
