Thursday, July 13, 2006

Yo, Adrian!! I did it!!

I've been waiting since 1985 for this. And no, it's not the Transformers movie (which I am eagerly awaiting as well.) Just click on the title of this post.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Stu Crew

Stu Crew

Hey!!!! Who took the skinflute off? I've directed some of my MySpace friends here to see it. Unfortunately MySpace doesn't let me post that picture. They took it off for me. Bastards. Put it back up. -Hose

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dirty Sanchez Song

Sound required. Hilarious song that I heard on the radio, and I finally found out the guy's name (Craig Carmean) and found the song on the 'Net. The lyrics aren't particularly work-friendly, although it is difficult to tell that the song is making reference to vulgarities given its pleasant melody. If you're at work, you might want to listen to it with headphones or keep the sound real low. You have been warned. The guy makes reference to some pretty nasty slangs. Some I've never even heard of until I heard this song. Enjoy!