Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Get a Free UK Phone Number!

I found the coolest thing yesterday! I found a site that will allow you to obtain a free UK phone number that you can forward to just about any phone in the world. Juan called me this morning and it worked like a charm! It was just a regular local toll call for him and just a normal incoming phone call on my cell phone. The best part is that it's all absolutely free!

To get your UK phone number, go to and sign up for a new account. Once you get logged in, click the My Numbers link and then request a new number. Then set it up to forward to whatever phone number you would like. You can set one up for your home and another for your cell phone. Then just let Juan know what your numbers are so he can call you. I also signed up for another phone number for home. Here are my phone numbers:

Cell: 08444843924
Home: 08700688421

Update: If you sign up for a free SIP account, you can make free outbound calls as well. I tried it and was actually able to call my house as well as Colombia. I'll have to try giving Juan a call with it tomorrow. Go to my website for more info on how to set it up.

This guy told me the Gators would have a good year. For some reason, I totally believe him.  Posted by Picasa