Sunday, August 05, 2007

Alexis Marina Negroni has arrived!

Hi all,

I know nobody has posted to the StuCrew website in some time, but I refuse to believe that it is defunct. I am in the hospital right now writing to announce that yesterday, August 4, 2007 at 5:12 pm Eastern my baby daughter was born healthy and kicking. Her name is Alexis Marina Negroni. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and measured 20" long. That's almost as big as stonehenge (obscure Spinal Tap reference). Anyway, I am attaching a picture of her I took with my cell phone since I have not gotten a chance to download the ones from my camera yet. I hope everyone is well, and Alexis says "hi" to her new extended family.


GeekLad said...

Congratulations to both you and Thania! She's a cutie!

Nanker Phelge said...

Das ees very gut.

shidog said...

Wow! Methinks everyone thinks they need to have a baby. :) Congratulations Grownzi. I'm so happy for you and Thania. It's my wish she grows into a beautiful young lady. May she always turn it up to "eleven." Best wishes. -Hose